Outputs from the Cranfield toilet project are listed below.
Ravndal, K.T., Hennigs, J. Barrington, D., Collins, M., Engineer, B., Kolios, A, McAdam, E., Parker, A., Talaia, P., Tierney, R., Toolaram, A. Tyrrel, S., Williams, L., Human user testing of the Nano Membrane Toilet, WASH Futures Conference, Brisbane. Australia ,5-9 March 2018
F. Kamranvand, C. Davey, H. Sakara,, O. Autin, E. Mercer, M. Collins, L. Williams, A. Kolios, A. Parker, S. Tyrrel, E. Cartmell, E.J. McAdam (2018) Impact of fouling, cleaning and faecal contamination on the separation of water from urine using thermally driven membrane separation. Separation Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2018.1433688
Jurado, N., Somorin, T., Kolios, A.J.Email Author, Wagland, S., Patchigolla, K., Fidalgo, B., Parker, A., McAdam, E., Williams, L., Tyrrel, S., (2018) Design and commissioning of a multi-mode prototype for thermochemical conversion of human faeces, Energy Conversion and ManagementVolume 163, 1 May 2018, Pages 507-524
Sowale, A., Kolios, A.J.Email Author, Fidalgo, B., Somorin, T., Parker, A., Williams, L., Collins, M., McAdam, E., Tyrrel, S. (2018) Thermodynamic analysis of a gamma type Stirling engine in an energy recovery system, Energy Conversion and Management, 165, 528-540
Kolios, A., Ying, J., Somorin, T., Sowale, A., Anastasopoulou, A., Anthony, E.J., Fidalgo, B., Parker, A., Williams, L., Collins, M., MacAdam, S., Tyrrel, S., (2018) Probabilistic performance assessment of complex energy process systems – The case of a self-sustained sanitation system, Energy Conversion and Management 163, 74-85
Anastasopoulou, A., Kolios, A., Somorin, T., Soale, A., Ying, J., Fidalgo, B., Parker, A., Williams, L., Collins, M., MacAdam, S., Tyrrel, S., (2018) Conceptual environmental impact assessment of a novel self-sustained sanitation system incorporating a quantitative microbial risk assessment approach Science of The Total Environment, 639, 657-672
P.H Cruddas, A. Parker, A. Gormley
38th WEDC International Conference, Loughborough University, UK, 2015
P.H Cruddas, A. Parker, A. Gormley
38th WEDC International Conference, Kumasi, Ghana, 2016
Tosin Onabanjo Somorin, Athanasios J. Kolios, , , Alison Parker, Ewan McAdam, Leon Williams, Sean Tyrrel
DownloadMercer, E., P. Cruddas , L. Williams , A. Kolios , A. Parker , S. Tyrrel , E. Cartmell , M. Pidou and E. J. McAdam (2016) Selection of screw characteristics and operational boundary conditions to facilitate post-flush urine and faeces separation within single household sanitation systems, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2, 953-964
Download hereYang, C.Y., E. Mercer, F. Kamranvand, L. Williams, A. Kolios, A. Parker, S. Tyrrel, E. Cartmell, E.J. McAdam Tube-side mass transfer forhollow fibre membrane contactors operated in the low Graetz range, Journal of Membrane Science 523, 235–246
DownloadHanak, D., Kolios, A., Fidalgo, B., McAdam, E., Parker, A., Williams, L., Tyrrel, S., Cartmell, E., (2016) Conceptual energy and water recovery system for self-sustainednano-membrane toilet, Energy Conversion and Management 126, 352-361
DownloadOnabanjo, T., Kolios, A.J., Patchigolla, K., Wagland, S., Fidalgo, B. Jurado, N., Hanak, D.P., Manovic, V., Parker, A., McAdam, E., Williams, L., Tyrrel, S. (2016) Cartmell, E., An experimental investigation of the combustion performance of human faeces, Fuel 184, 780–791
DownloadT. Onabanjo, K. Patchigolla, S.T. Wagland, B. Fidalgo, A. Kolios, E. McAdam, A. Parker, L.Williams, S. Tyrrel, E. Cartmell, Energy recovery from human faeces via gasification: A thermodynamic equilibrium modelling approach, Energy Conversion and Management 118:364-376
DownloadA.H. Parker*, E.J. McAdam*, A.J. Kolios*, L. Williams*, B.D. Martin*, O. Autin*, P. Cruddas*, E. Mercer*, S. Wagland*, K. Patchigolla*, J. Larsson*, R. Tierney*, E. Perez-Lopez*, S.F. Tyrrel*, E. Cartmell*
The abstract: http://www.susana.org/images/documents/07-cap-dev/b-conferences/15-FSM3/Day-1/Rm-3/1-3-2-FSM3.pdf
The presentations slides: http://www.susana.org/images/documents/07-cap-dev/b-conferences/15-FSM3/Day-1/Rm-3/1-3-2-3-Parker.pdf
The poster: http://www.nanomembranetoilet.org/posters/nmt_hanoi.pdf
Click here to download the posters that were part of our stand at the Reinvent the Toilet Fair: India
Ben Martin*, Bruce Jefferson, Paul Jones, Alison Parker, Ewan McAdam, Reinventing the toilet: using pervaporation membranes and hydrophilic/hydrophobic condensing media to produce pathogen free water in situ, Early Career Researchers in Water Sanitation and Hygiene conference, held at Cranfield University on 21st November 2013
DownloadA.H. Parker*, B. Jefferson*, E.J. McAdam*, R.A. Dorey*, A.J. Kolios*, S.F. Tyrrel*, P.J. Longhurst*, S. Bolton*, G. Leighton*, R.W.A. Franceys*, E. Cartmell*, The Nano Membrane Toilet, Faecal Sludge Management Conference, 29-31 October 2012